Tuesday, October 8, 2013

The "Leverage" goddess steals is a guest performer NCIS, the sexy Beth Cheng Residence female

This is not "Leverage Seasons 1-5 DVD" and "Navy Crystal Palace" traversing Crossover, but our lovable " Parker " Beth Riesgraf will be a guest performer volume of NCIS that will soon broadcast.   

Gnes Graff will play Maxine Edwards, a bad name online game player outside, she hates own former navy boyfriend, because he had deceived her in many aspects. But when her boyfriend is discovered after a stolen woman hand package by the dismemberment finger and tooth, Maxine became the NCIS top suspect naturally. What is lucky, Maxine aroused regarding the love of online game with for the game player's McGee curiosity, they have many common grounds, and in the match played has had "chemical reaction".

You are unable to believe that golden hair young girl Gnes Graff was 32 years old, she, pure lovable, has stolen ability to explosive table's Parker to receive the affections of many person in being ignorant of affair that "Leverage" played well. Her former fiance is "Fool Good" and "Blue Accent Memphis" actor Jason Lee.   

"Navy Crystal Palace" NCIS that Gnes Graff participates performance named "Killscreen", on the evening of February 22 20:00 will broadcast in the North American time.

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